• Hypoallergenic is often used to describe siberian cats. A true “hypoallergenic” cat does not exist. So why do we hear Siberian cats described this way so often? Siberian cats are considered “hypoallergenic” because they produce low amounts of an enzyme called FelD1 in their saliva. When cats lick their fur, the saliva dries and flakes, which is what creates dander. Many allergy suffers are allergic to FelD1 and may tolerate being around cats with low levels of this enzyme.

  • Kittens need to remain with their mom for 12-14 weeks to grow, develop, and learn. Separating kittens too early puts them at risk for health, developemental and social issues. Most of our kittens go home around 14 weeks. We only send kittens home when they are ready.

  • Our goal is to send home a healthy kitten.

    Our breeding adults have been tested and cleared for genetic health diseases.

    Our health guarantee is outlined in our kitten contract. We value the health of our kittens and our breeding lines and want to make sure they remain healthy.

    Our one year health guarantee covers inheritable diseases that impact quality of life or cause death.

    To validate the kitten contract, you must take your new kitten to the vet in the first 2 days (48hours) from pick up.

    Please have this appointment scheduled before you bring your kitten home.

  • Pricing of kittens reflects the current cost of importing our breeding cats, medical care for all, and cost of high quality food.

    Kitten cost start at $2500. This price can fluctuate depending on cost of current vet care, food costs, and if your kitten is spayed or neutered.

  • We want to help you find the perfect kitten, and we want all of our kittens to have happy homes. We match our kittens to families around 10 weeks of age. We consider each families individual needs and lifestyle and special requests. We will have a conversation about each recommended kitten’s personalities and traits when it is time to choose.

  • We recommend flying into Kansas City International Airport to pick up your kitten. You may also hire a courier to pick up your kitten. We have a recommended personal courier that we work with regularly to help this go as smoothly as possible.